Friday, January 19, 2018

Sometimes ❤️

Sometimes I look at you and I can’t understand how someone before me didn’t see what I see. Sometimes I look at you and I can’t understand how someone didn’t find the home in you. Sometimes I look at you and I can’t understand how someone before me didn’t notice a whole beautiful universe hidden within you. Sometimes I look at you and I can’t understand how someone before me looked at you and didn’t find every single thing they’d been searching for in a single human being.

Sometimes I look at you and I can’t understand how someone before me failed to memorize the feel of your skin, your smell, the sound of your voice, and played it over and over in their mind. Sometimes I look at you and I can’t understand how someone before me didn't think you were enough. I can’t understand how someone before me didn't realize this you, all raw, all real, all flawed, yet incredibly beautiful.

Sometimes I look at you I can’t understand how someone failed to own you, your flaws, mistakes, weirdness, smiles, giggles, jokes, sarcasm, everything.  I can’t understand how someone failed to be thankful to your mom for raising the perfect man who respects women in every way. Sometimes I look at you and I can’t understand how someone before me didn't fall in love with what you’re missing, what you’ve lost and what you’re still holding onto.

Sometimes I look at you and I can’t understand how someone’s entire world didn’t flip the moment they looked into your eyes. I can’t understand how someone was not ready to go through everything that is meant to tear them apart and failed to come out even stronger. Sometimes I look at you and I can’t understand how someone’s heart didn’t skip a beat every time they saw your smile.

And sometimes I look at you feeling glad that they DIDN'T, because if they looked deep enough to see all of those things within you, I would’ve never been able to. <3
