I am someone who had been single for a very long time. How long? Well..for the past 21 years and 12 days to be precise :P It's not that I didn’t have any guy to talk with. In fact, people who know me would tell you that I have more guy friends than girls. Even then, I wasn’t able to find the right guy for myself coz I was very particular about certain things. All the dozens of options at my fingertips seemed to be a little less important coz I've always wanted to save it all up for the right person. I have been called "asexual" for being single all my life. My friends have teased me because I was the only one in the group who didn't have a boyfriend. I have been the 3rd, 4th, or 6th wheel while hanging out with friends. I have always been a part of the ‘No boyfriend since birth’ Club. But to be honest, I've always enjoyed being that way. Coz let me tell you, there are hundreds of ways to enjoy your single life before you find the right one.
You really don’t have to rush into any relationship although you’ll have to come across various struggles that you have to endure from your mean friends, stupid guys, annoying relatives and even the world in general. You don’t have to settle for just any guy. You don’t have to be in a relationship just because you think it’s the cool thing to do these days. You don’t have to be pressured by the fact your friends rub their relationships in your face. You don’t have to be pressured by all the social media posts of couples on your Instagram and Facebook feeds. You don’t have to lower your standards for love just so you can get out of being single.
To all the girls out there, WAIT UNTIL YOU FIND THE RIGHT ONE. Trust me, the process is going to be worth the wait when that time comes(personal experience :P). When you find “THE RIGHT ONE” you’ll know why god has been keeping you away from all the wrong ones. Stay single until you find the guy with the following qualities.
Stay single until you meet the man who changes the standard you once had and suddenly no one can compare. The man who says, “text me when you’re home safe,” and stays up until he knows you are. The man who doesn’t have time for games and is brutally honest with you always. The man who doesn’t make you feel insecure about anything. The man who knows when to apologize when he’s wrong. The man who joins you for lunch coz your only lunch partner at office has taken an off. The man who would drive for hours just to see your face for a few minutes coz regardless of how crazy it may seem to you, it makes sense to him. The man who sends sweet texts in the middle of the meeting he knows you’re stressing over.
Stay single until you meet a man who makes sure you walk on the inside of the sidewalk away from the street. A man who opens every door you walk through. The man who holds your hand shamelessly in public. A man you’d proudly introduce to your father. A man whose heart has been broken several times and it only makes you think that every girl who's ever been a part of his life are LOSERS for not choosing him and at the same time, it makes you want to thank them for the same reason :P The man you cannot live without. The man who doesn’t make you fear the future. The man you want to create a life with. The man who makes you feel more beautiful just standing beside him.
Stay single until you find the man who makes you want to be a better woman. The man who is sure of you and never makes you doubt how he feels. The man who motivates you to achieve more and be better. The man who thinks you are the most beautiful girl in the entire world when you are not even trying. A man who makes you enjoy all the cliché stuffs that you might have made fun of your friends for but you get it now. The one who knows that you are sometimes a little all over the place, but has open arms for you to come back to reality.
Stay single until you meet someone who doesn’t view your assertive nature as arrogant or rigid, but as interesting and respectable. The man who doesn’t make dating feel like an obligation, but something you genuinely want to explore. The man you want to spend Sunday mornings with. The man whose kiss makes you want more. The man who makes you want to take it slow in a generation that tells us to rush into the things. The man who takes the relationship as seriously as you do. The man that makes chasing after him not sound so bad after all.
The man you look at and think, “FINALLY.”
Until then. Stay single.
- A girl who has remained single for 7683 days! :P